38 Weeks and a Finished Nursery!
For as fast as my whole pregnancy flew by, this last week sure has been verrrrrry slow. I am so ready to meet this little baby! It was nice to have some time with nothing to do this past weekend (all travel has been banned!), so James and I decided it was a good time to slow down and savor the last days of just being us two. We went to the beach Saturday morning and spent a few hours outside, then came home, made BLTs, and watched movies all afternoon while it stormed. It was such a relaxing day and so nice to spend some uninterrupted time with James Howard. Sunday was a little bit of a different story...
I woke up around 7:30 and came downstairs and let James sleep. I cleaned the kitchen, and was messing around on the computer and when James came down around 9am I started having some back pains. He started making breakfast and I couldn't find an appetite so I just stayed in my chair and waited for it to pass. The back pains didn't really stop...which isn't really a big deal when you're nine months pregnant hauling around extra weight but these seemed to come and go. Around 10:30 James made me lay down on the couch and I finally drifted off to sleep only to wake up around 11:45 with the pains getting worse. I was convinced they were NOT contractions because everything I had read and heard said those pains generally pull around to the front, and these seemed to stay right in my lower back. Around 2pm of course I start crying (don't judge), James ran me a hot bath, and that seemed to ease them off a bit. I knew I had a doctor's appointment today so I was hesitant to call or go anywhere, I figured I would just see what my midwife said today. What did she say? Oh they were definitely contractions! Which brings us to the....
38 week appointment! I am officially dilated a whole centimeter! Whoohoo! Who thought such a small measurement could make me so happy? Granted, that actually means nothing in terms of how soon he is coming, but I was so glad to hear we are making SOME progress. Mason finally dropped, he is head down, and in explanation of what happened yesterday, my midwife explained he is probably face up. His back rubs against my spine causing contractions to be felt in your back instead of your abdomen. She also explained he has plenty of time to turn so he is face down, so let's all say a prayer that happens SOON because I am not interested in back labor...at all. The braxton hicks contractions are still happening, so I am happy my body is making some preparations for little man to get here!
My blood pressure is still really good, I lost a pound (um, heck yes) and I tested negative for Group B Strep so I officially have no "concerns" going into delivery. I feel really lucky this has been such an uneventful pregnancy and Mason is so healthy. Hearing his heartbeat once a week now does NOTHING for my need to hold him. Mom and Dad are definitely ready for him to be here!
The nursery is also finally ready and as promised here are some pictures from Nautical Baby Land :)
Here is a link to take you to the full album on Shutterfly if you want to see all the pictures. A HUGE thanks to my mom (Granny!) for all the hard work she help put into Mason's nursery. We are in love with it and think it is perfect :)
We will keep you updated on the progress, hopefully the next post is one that has a picture of the handsome guy himself (dream big, right?)!