The Arrival of Mason Eldridge Green

After 41 weeks of waiting, in the very early hours of a rainy Saturday morning my life was forever changed. At 3:07am on August 11, 2012 we finally met our son. After an at times frustrating and very long labor, Mason Eldridge Green came into our lives weighing 8lbs. 3oz. and measuring 21" long.

I was scheduled to be in induced on August 11, but Thursday night around 8pm I started having contractions. At first I wasn't paying attention to them because if you have followed my blog Mr. Mason was very comfortable where he was and made no moves towards introducing himself to us. By 10:30pm they were getting a bit closer together so I told James to go to sleep in case we ended up needing to go to the hospital, and I put the finishing touches on our hospital bag.  I wish I could have gone to sleep, but my night was spent watching Batman Returns and timing contractions!! By 3:30am the pain was getting pretty regular and the contractions were 4-6 minutes apart so I woke James up and off we went!

My labor lasted 24 hours, and during those hours my family can atest that it was at times not only physically but very mentally and emotionally trying for me. I still ended up having to have pitocin, Mason still wasn't quite ready to give up! (He literally came out holding the cord, he was holding on for dear life!) It was such a long day and I can remember lying there wondering how much longer it would last or how I'd be able to take it just one more hour or find the strength to push him out after no sleep or food for over 36 hours!...but looking back now I don't see it as anything but beautiful. Your body does amazing things, I only pushed for 50 minutes and then all of a sudden there he was. When they lifted him up and I got a good look at him, I was completely in love...and knew in that single moment I'd do it all over again if I had to.

I had both sets of parents and my sister there with me all day and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. They were the best support system and I have to say thank you to them for staying up until 4:30am to welcome him into the world...they were such troopers with us!

And my favorite picture? Obviously I couldn't eat or drink anything except ice chips the entire 24 hours, and weirdly (or not so weirdly if you know me) all I wanted was a Diet Pepsi. I literally could have killed someone for one. So, minutes after Mason was handed to me someone appeared with one (thank you whoever that was!) and James snapped a picture. It was the most delicious Diet Pepsi I have ever tasted in my life!

I spent my whole pregnancy imagining not only what this little boy would look like and what personality traits he would have, but I also thought I knew how much I would love him. I had no idea. The love I have for that little man is nothing I could have ever imagined. Being a mom is the best thing I have ever done. And to answer the question of what he looks like? He is all James Green. The only thing Mom gave him was his nose! We aren't quite sure where his dimples come from but every time I see them I melt. James is the most amazing Dad. Of all the things Mason has done, making me fall in love with James even more watching him with his son is the sweetest surprise of all.

So now we are all home, happy, healthy, and getting settled into our life as a threesome. Mason really is a great baby, he is only unhappy when he is hungry or cold! He hates having his clothes off and loves being snuggled with a blanket. And I am happy to oblige him when he wants to cuddle :) Lilly is obsessed with her new baby brother and is the sweetest girl around him. She never jumps, only sniffs, and whenever he makes a sound she is the first to go check on him. I'll admit we were a tad worried how she would react to a baby, but she has been the best big sister.

Thank you for all the support, love, advice, and help we have gotten from all of our friends and family. A special thanks to our moms for helping us bring him home and keeping us fed and our clothes clean while we adjusted our first week! We can't wait for everyone to meet him and I promise I'll keep the pictures coming!

With love,
James, Julie, and Mason


Kate said…
I'm crying... maybe I shouldn't have read this at work! He is a little mini-James!

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