The Other Green Perspective: Guest Blogger ET2

Well hello there, blog world. I thought it would be interesting to update this thing since Julie is always doing such a great job of that. Bear with me, I’m not at her level when it comes to writing, but just thought I’d give my two cents on this deployment and say thank you.

Today is the 200th day of this deployment. That’s almost seven months that we’ve been away from each other and that is one of the hardest things a marriage could go through. So, it makes me proud to
say that I feel like (and I hope she agrees) that we’re coming out of this feeling so much stronger in our marriage than we did going in. Seems weird to feel closer to someone being far away, but I do. I’ve enjoyed seeing different parts of the world but this has confirmed I am a homebody. No big secret there if you know me. I do feel so proud though. Serving my country was something I felt very strongly about and I feel fortunate I was able to do my part. This deployment has definitely tested my limits, my patience and challenged me. Although it doesn’t feel like it right now, Julie is always telling me that one day I’m going to look back on this and be glad it happened.  

I am so proud of Julie, too. She somehow manages to work a full time job, keep up the house and our finances, and raise a very active three year old. She’s done this without any major mishaps. (We won’t count the vase to her head and four staples. Julie is allotted at least one emergency room visit annually. It’s tradition.) Mason has been so brave. He turned three and is learning and growing every single day. He is so full of life and love and he makes us so proud.

What you may not know is that tomorrow is also our sixth wedding anniversary. If you had asked me on my wedding day where I would be in six years, I definitely would not have said on an aircraft carrier 7,000 miles from my wife, but here we are. I’m forever grateful I found my person. She brings out the best in me.  She is my greatest supporter and never fails to bring me up when I’m down. Marriage definitely teaches you a lot about yourself. Being married to someone who majored in communications in college has definitely taught me how to be a better talker (or texter, whatever). An introvert and an extrovert together forever is going to be so much fun. I never let a day go by without telling her how much I love her, but I am very much looking forward to being able to look her in the eyes and tell her that. She is also the best gift giver of all time. The greatest of course, was Mason. That’s the best thing we’ve done our entire marriage…and lives. He brings out the kid in me. He is so full of energy and has so much of his mom in him. Julie reminds me that he has to learn the hard way so I’m learning to step back and let him figure it out. Being a dad really is the coolest thing ever, and being on that journey with my best friend is such a blessing. I can’t wait to get home and play baseball, football, DIY projects around the house (if there are any left) and just wake up knowing we have every day to be together.

Happy Anniversary, babe. I wish more than anything I could be with you to celebrate one of the happiest days of my life. I am so glad I got up the nerve to say “Hey pretty girl,” so glad I kissed you, so glad I asked, and so glad you said yes. I’ll spend the rest of my life saying thanks for standing beside me through this deployment. You amaze me with your strength every single day.

And thanks to everyone who has given us support, sent me packages, cards, gone to visit Julie, babysat Mason, called, texted, emailed and most importantly prayed. I can’t wait to get home and see all of you. 

Also, Julie only had to correct misspellings in 145 words.



Unknown said…
Thanks for your service cousin! Y'all hang in there!


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