A Quarter of a Century and a Windy Adventure

In Navy news, we got a very big update yesterday! James's recruiter came by the house for his 72 Hour Indoctrination. This is basically to ease "buyer's remorse" feelings and make the transition easier for those that have just enlisted. The recruiter was there to answer questions, explain how the Delayed Entry Program works and he met Lilly of course which was pretty important. James has to report to his recruiter once a week, and once a month he has to take a physical fitness test to make sure he's keeping in shape! But the big news came when James started asking about his specific job. After he enlisted and the excitement wore off, we sat down and made a list of our questions. His job includes a 24 month training period because the job is so specific and detailed. We weren't sure where his 24 month training would take place so that was my big question. I had gone to take Lilly for a walk to let them have some time to talk, and when I came in his recruiter was leaving and James looked a bit nervous...which made me nervous. He then said that he got an answer to our big question. All of his 24 month training will take place in Great Lakes, Illinois! He looked very relieved when I got excited. :) Our first two years of Navy life will be spent about 30 miles outside of Chicago. I included a picture of where in Illinois it is, so you can see that it is right on Lake Michigan, (so Dad, yes
we are still around some water!) I really surprised myself with just how excited I was. I had thought about this possibility before and secretly wished he wouldn't have to do his training there, but now I couldn't be happier. We love exploring new places, and all I hear about Chicago is great things. With Skype and the excellent travel benefits that come with the Navy, we won't feel that far away at all. I know, you are all going "Ooohhh Julie hates cold weather." And this is very true. Tara informed me last night she was a little disappointed she wasn't aware of this before so she could get me long john's for my birthday. And if there is anything I've learned the past few years it is never say what you will never do. I always said I would never be in a "military" relationship because I just didn't think I was cut out for that, and that I will never live somewhere that is COLD. God obviously thinks I am a very funny character, as both of these are coming true. I will be making the big move to join James in late September or early October. Just in time for Winter! (ha!) My mom always used to tell me that a house is not a home, it is where your heart is...and my heart is James. So if I'm with him, I am one happy gal. We hope that lots of you will come visit us in the Windy City. :) GO CUBS!!!
but i must say... i was disappointed when my birthday gifts to you were not included in the birthday-section! i realize the cadbury eggs are gone (i'm sure!) and the bath bombs have probably fizzled away... but common!
Secondly, I will never go for the Cubs, come on, Jules, they are National League (=) BORING! Now, if they play the Yankees, I AM THERE!!! :) I am so glad I can be there with you through all these exciting changes! Love you!