75 Days?!
I guess I need to become better about updating this blog! But lots of wonderful things have happened and work has been VERY busy for me, so at least this will be a very informative post. :) In our biggest news, WE SOLD OUR HOUSE!! It is under contract, and if everything goes smoothly and no problems arise we will be closing on May 27! We've started packing up things a little bit at the time since our weekends are packed from now until the time James leaves. I finally sat down with both of my supervisors and told them about our big new plan, and I really couldn't have asked for more support. I was a bit nervous about giving them more than two weeks notice, but they were wonderful. They even want me to stay on part time while James is in training which was a pleasent surprise! It is definitely starting to become more real now.
The military certainly has taught me not to plan anything (seriously...nothing) and not to believe something 100% until it happens. James found out that part of his training for his specific job - A School - could be in San Diego, Norfolk, VA, or still in Great Lakes. If his time in Great Lakes is not more than six months then the Navy won't pay for me to move. So, basically - we'll find out where we (or he) will be after his graduates in September. If you ever need to learn how to let go of control and planning...tell your husband to join the military ;)
Our dear sweet friend Jason Roberson, who is a Lt. Commander in the Navy, has been giving James amazing advice on how to navigate the waters (ha) as he starts his career, so we're incredibly grateful to have his number on speed dial. As soon as James graduates from basic training he is going to begin to put together his packet for Officer Candidate School, so hopefully he'll be Lt. Green sooner rather than later!
In non Navy News, JASON AND TRICIA ARE HAVING A GIRL :) Warren is safely back in the States although not in NC quite yet, and in big news...my Dad is bringing his AMAZING career with UPS to an end next week and retiring after THIRTY ONE years. I just don't have words to describe how proud of him I am. His hard work has given "his girls" incredible opportunities over the past three decades. When I sat in Elizabeth's office last week telling them about my departure she made a comment about what great work ethic I had for a twenty five year old, and I certainly owe that to watching him over these past years. Although my dad never complains...and James would probably tell you my work ethic comes with an occassional "whine' here and there!! In all seriousness, I am not quite sure where we'd all be without Ricky Lynn.
Below are a few pictures from the last month or so. James Howard's birthday (very excited with his new ice cream maker) Sara Guest and I in Ocean Isle for a girls weekend getaway, and Miss Lilly at her big SPCA dog walk (thank you to all of you who donated).
We both hope that you're all healthy, happy, and looking forward to this summer as much we we are.
Lots of hugs and love,
Julie & James

The military certainly has taught me not to plan anything (seriously...nothing) and not to believe something 100% until it happens. James found out that part of his training for his specific job - A School - could be in San Diego, Norfolk, VA, or still in Great Lakes. If his time in Great Lakes is not more than six months then the Navy won't pay for me to move. So, basically - we'll find out where we (or he) will be after his graduates in September. If you ever need to learn how to let go of control and planning...tell your husband to join the military ;)
Our dear sweet friend Jason Roberson, who is a Lt. Commander in the Navy, has been giving James amazing advice on how to navigate the waters (ha) as he starts his career, so we're incredibly grateful to have his number on speed dial. As soon as James graduates from basic training he is going to begin to put together his packet for Officer Candidate School, so hopefully he'll be Lt. Green sooner rather than later!
In non Navy News, JASON AND TRICIA ARE HAVING A GIRL :) Warren is safely back in the States although not in NC quite yet, and in big news...my Dad is bringing his AMAZING career with UPS to an end next week and retiring after THIRTY ONE years. I just don't have words to describe how proud of him I am. His hard work has given "his girls" incredible opportunities over the past three decades. When I sat in Elizabeth's office last week telling them about my departure she made a comment about what great work ethic I had for a twenty five year old, and I certainly owe that to watching him over these past years. Although my dad never complains...and James would probably tell you my work ethic comes with an occassional "whine' here and there!! In all seriousness, I am not quite sure where we'd all be without Ricky Lynn.
Below are a few pictures from the last month or so. James Howard's birthday (very excited with his new ice cream maker) Sara Guest and I in Ocean Isle for a girls weekend getaway, and Miss Lilly at her big SPCA dog walk (thank you to all of you who donated).
We both hope that you're all healthy, happy, and looking forward to this summer as much we we are.
Lots of hugs and love,
Julie & James
