Green Happiness Overload
I have so much good news to share!! I wish I could have updated the blog sooner but my laptop was NOT cooperating in the hotel at Great Lakes. First, thank you for all of the emails, texts, calls, Facebook posts, and thoughts and well wishes. James graduated from Basic Training this past Thursday and it was an unbelievable day to say the least. When the doors opened and his division started marching in I really thought I was going to explode. He looked SO handsome in his uniform, and it just made me so proud in so many ways. Not only is my husband chasing his dreams (and his dreams won't always take him down easy paths) but one of the most important men in my life, my Grandaddy, was in the Navy and nothing made him prouder. So, to see my husband march in wearing the exact same uniform my late Grandfather did was a very powerful moment for me. And since James' uncle and late Grandfather were also in the Navy I am sure it is an amazing feeling to know he's carrying on such a wonderful and selfless tradition.
James was in Division 293 and they were the top graduating division of the whole class. Considering there were 14 divisions and 1,100 Recruits, this was no easy task so they were definitely standing tall and proud. They even won the Battlestations Flag! Seeing him was almost as wonderful as seeing him standing at the end of the aisle on our wedding day. Both of those days cemented decisions that I knew were perfect. One, marrying my best friend, and this one - the new path we've chosen for our family. I thought I would cry when I saw him, but I was too happy. I just started running and hugging :) Below are a few pictures from the ceremony and right after.
After his ceremony he decided he wanted WINGS. In an all white uniform!! I'll just say it is a good thing that I brought Bleach pens :) The next morning we picked him up to go to breakfast before my parents and his dad and Warren left.
We had so much fun hearing his stories about boot camp, the friends he made, and all the accomplishments had made over the past eight weeks. And ps - yes, he is that skinny now. :) He lost 11lbs while he was in boot camp! We spent the next couple of days so blissfully happy to be back together again. We kept looking at each other kind of in awe because it didn't feel like it had been two months since we had seen each other. We went into the city on Sunday and had famous Chicago pizza and walked down to Navy Pier. And as a bit of information for those of you that have never been, Navy Pier has absolutely nothing to do with the US Navy. We walked down to Lake Michigan and all the way around part of the city. It was so fun, and we both loved being downtown.
We also found out that James will be in Great Lakes for 212 days which is about six and a half months. I can't wait to move up there and be with him again...and to have our own place again! We are about 5 minutes from Six Flags, and only a 40 minute drive into the city so we really like the area. Remind me of that when I'm updating the blog on a cold February night when Lilly has to go outside and it is negative a thousand degrees outside. I bet I won't love the area so much then.
So I'm sure after reading that you are thinking what possibly could have made the Green's Labor Day weekend any better/happier/exciting/blessed? Well, I am very happy to announce that Molly Carter Green made her entrance to the world Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 5:30pm.

She was 19" and 5lbs. 15 oz. and she looks JUST like her Daddy. She made quite the dramatic entrance, she definitely seemed to be comfy where she was and did not want to come out. Tricia had a C-Section but I'm happy to report that Mom and Molly are both healthy, happy and doing great. I landed yesterday got to my car and immediately headed toward their house to meet my sweet niece. Jason and Tricia are naturals and just so happy to have their daughter and new family together at home. It made me so happy to see them all together. We climbed on their bed and caught up and talked and loved up on Molly! She is such a blessing and we are all so happy she is here. Definitely the cutest baby that ever lived in our eyes :)
Now you can understand my title, Green Happiness Overload! It was such an exciting weekend! I am overnighting James' phone to him today so he will have it tomorrow. He won't be able to have it during the day while he's in school, but I'm sure he'd love a text or voicemail and to chat in the evenings. I tried to add everyone's number back to his phone so if he texts back and asks who you are, that's why! James brought all of the mail he received in boot camp to the hotel one morning and I was overwhelmed. Thank you to everyone that sent mail, he definitely felt the love and support.
I will keep you updated on the move situation! I hope everyone had a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!
James was in Division 293 and they were the top graduating division of the whole class. Considering there were 14 divisions and 1,100 Recruits, this was no easy task so they were definitely standing tall and proud. They even won the Battlestations Flag! Seeing him was almost as wonderful as seeing him standing at the end of the aisle on our wedding day. Both of those days cemented decisions that I knew were perfect. One, marrying my best friend, and this one - the new path we've chosen for our family. I thought I would cry when I saw him, but I was too happy. I just started running and hugging :) Below are a few pictures from the ceremony and right after.
After his ceremony he decided he wanted WINGS. In an all white uniform!! I'll just say it is a good thing that I brought Bleach pens :) The next morning we picked him up to go to breakfast before my parents and his dad and Warren left.
We had so much fun hearing his stories about boot camp, the friends he made, and all the accomplishments had made over the past eight weeks. And ps - yes, he is that skinny now. :) He lost 11lbs while he was in boot camp! We spent the next couple of days so blissfully happy to be back together again. We kept looking at each other kind of in awe because it didn't feel like it had been two months since we had seen each other. We went into the city on Sunday and had famous Chicago pizza and walked down to Navy Pier. And as a bit of information for those of you that have never been, Navy Pier has absolutely nothing to do with the US Navy. We walked down to Lake Michigan and all the way around part of the city. It was so fun, and we both loved being downtown.
We also found out that James will be in Great Lakes for 212 days which is about six and a half months. I can't wait to move up there and be with him again...and to have our own place again! We are about 5 minutes from Six Flags, and only a 40 minute drive into the city so we really like the area. Remind me of that when I'm updating the blog on a cold February night when Lilly has to go outside and it is negative a thousand degrees outside. I bet I won't love the area so much then.
So I'm sure after reading that you are thinking what possibly could have made the Green's Labor Day weekend any better/happier/exciting/blessed? Well, I am very happy to announce that Molly Carter Green made her entrance to the world Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 5:30pm.

Now you can understand my title, Green Happiness Overload! It was such an exciting weekend! I am overnighting James' phone to him today so he will have it tomorrow. He won't be able to have it during the day while he's in school, but I'm sure he'd love a text or voicemail and to chat in the evenings. I tried to add everyone's number back to his phone so if he texts back and asks who you are, that's why! James brought all of the mail he received in boot camp to the hotel one morning and I was overwhelmed. Thank you to everyone that sent mail, he definitely felt the love and support.
I will keep you updated on the move situation! I hope everyone had a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!