Naval Station Great Lakes

So, I realized through all of my blogging that you all had never seen Naval Station Great Lakes. That seemed strange to me considering it is such a big part of James's life and mine as well! And some people have even asked what it is like and what it looks I decided to put together a little slideshow of pictures for you to see where Seaman Green spends his days. It is such a pretty base, it reminds me a little bit of an old college campus. The pictures you will see are the Training Support Center where James attends his school.

Here is a little bit of historical information for you! Naval Station Great Lakes is the home of the United States Navy's only boot camp. Naval Station Great Lakes is the largest military installation in Illinois and the largest training station in the Navy. The base has 1,153 buildings (that includes other parts, like where James attended boot camp, the hospital where we go to the doctor, etc.) situated on 1,628 acres and has 50 miles of roadway to provide access to the base's facilities. Within the naval service, it has several different nicknames, including "The Quarterdeck of the Navy," or the one you probably heard James call it while in boot camp..."Great Mistakes."

The original 39 buildings were built between 1905 and 1911. That means this July we actually are going to be here for the Centennial celebration of Great Lakes. It is around the fourth of July so it is a BIG celebration. We're excited about it! The base is like a small city, with its own fire department, Naval Security Force, and public works department.

One of the pictures you will see below is Building 1, also known as the clocktower building. The tower stands 300 ft. above the top floor. Even I must admit it was so pretty covered in snow during the blizzard :)

And there you go!  A little more insight to where we are and where Mr. Green spends his time. He's still doing an amazing job in school, he finishes up the hardest part of the training this week...but I don't know why he got so stressed because he made a 94 on the lab - and I'm sure when I pick him up tonight he'll have another high score to report to me on the test he's taking right now!

Hope you enjoy the pictures and fun trivia about good 'ol Great Mistakes! Just click the link below and it will take you to the slideshow.

Much love,


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