Oh Baby!
As most of you know, James and I have some very big news to share! We've been keeping our secret for awhile, but on Monday we had a great doctor's appointment so we're happy to announce we are expecting our first baby! It has been quite a whirlwind the past 6 weeks since we found out and the past two days especially since we had our first ultrasound have been surreal. As any first time expecting parents we have had our moments of joy, terror, amazement, and just plain giddiness but now that has all melted into total happiness.
We had decided when James got home from Florida and we moved to our first permanent station that we were definitely ready to start trying for a family. What we weren't ready for was that it would happen so quickly! We moved into our home the weekend after Thanksgiving and on a Wal Mart run to get Diet Pepsi (essential) and toilet paper (I guess that's essential too) I secretly picked up some pregnancy tests knowing my period was like 4 hours late. (Patience has never been a virtue I was blessed with) That Sunday evening I didn't tell James I was taking the test, I kind of snuck away to do it kind of feeling foolish for doing it anyway. The negative line showed up, James started yelling my name, I shrugged my shoulders, left it on the counter and kind of forgot about it. Maybe half an hour later, I walked back in there to grab a towel and I noticed it on the counter.
Was I seeing this correctly? I immediately had this moment of "Oh my god, what have we done??" I sat down, immediately had this grin I couldn't get rid of, and went to find James. After I told him and we hugged, I cried, we laughed, and had our moment we sat down on the couch.
James: Is it hot in here?
Me: Mmm no, not really. I can't believe this is happneing! How crazy is this!
James: (Wiping sweat) Babe are you sure you didn't mess with the heat? It's hot.
Me: No I didn't. I can't believe we are having a baby.
James: (More Sweat) I'm so hot.
Oh James. :) So 6 weeks later on Monday, Jan. 9 and all the sweating done, we found ourselves in the doctor's office waiting to see this little creature that had been sucking my energy and making me want to drink mass amounts of apple juice. (James has affectionately named the babe Green Bean which has stuck and become quite famous. I think my little guy/gal will always be Green Bean to us now!) I wish I could put into words the moment when the baby appeared on the screen. I thought I was prepared, I had been picturing this for weeks, but it was completely indescribable. I didn't hear anything the doctor said, I just grabbed James's hand and fell in love. The baby was moving and kicking its little legs and I was in awe. I finally tuned back into the doctor and she showed us the spine, the brain, the arms, legs, and finally she pointed and goes "there, you can see that flicker, that's the heartbeat." It was perfection.
I don't really think I ever fully stopped crying, but as she was explaining to me when I needed to schedule my next appointment, I of course asked if James should try and be there, was anything exciting happening? She said we would listen to the baby's heartbeat. I turned to James and told him maybe he'd like to be there since we only saw it today. The doctor kind of paused, then walked into her office and came back with a little machine. She told me to lie back, and said I was right on the edge of being able to hear it (sometimes Doppler can't pick it up until 11 or 12 weeks and I was only 10) but she'd try for us. I laid back down and she started waving the wand around on my belly and it was pretty quiet while she looked. Actually very quiet. And right about the time I looked at James to say "Maybe next time!" we heard this very fast, very strong little heartbeat. More tears. It was one of the greatest days of my life.
So friends, we have a very healthy and active Green Bean headed our way with an expected arrival of August 4, 2012. Thank you for all of the phone calls, emails, texts, and Facebook posts. We are so excited!
Lots of love!