Eviction Notice
So before I start my blog post about how we don't have a baby yet, I have to share something. When you are 40 weeks pregnant, you google very strange things on your phone. If someone saw my internet history, they would literally be frightened. BUT, when I was googling this past week, I ran across the funniest pregnancy blog I have ever read in my entire life. It might be the funniest blog period. And in the depths of attempting not to eat an entire pan of brownies pinterest made me make, or cry because its 90 degrees outside again and the electric bill just came, it had me laughing hysterically which is always a good thing. She had a post called The Stages of Pregnancy and the Fifth Stage describes it perfectly, and so of course since this is how I'm feeling I thought I'd share.
Stage 5: You feel enormous and none of your maternity clothes fit. You want to crash through walls and shout "oh yeah!" like the KoolAid man. People keep saying "Haven't you had that baby yet?" You have a new appreciation for how difficult it is for the elderly and morbidly obese to get around and swear you're going to become an advocate for their rights once you catch your breath. You're no longer scared of birth you just want this kid out of you and if that means pulling it through your right nostril, so be it.
Yep, that about sums it up. If you want to read more go to www.pregnantchicken.squarespace.com. She is oh so funny. So onto the news! We had a doctor's appointment this morning and I had already mentally prepared myself to get crushed. By mentally prepare I mean crank up "Call Me Maybe" on the iPod on the way to the doctor and promised myself a huge Diet Dr. Pepper from McDonalds if I did get my heart broken with no changes....and it is a good thing I did these things because it is always better to not be surprised when you get news you don't want. There was no change. 1cm dilated and my cervix is still nice and hard! My midwife knows me well though because she saved the heartbeat for last knowing that always makes me happy, and it was strong and steady so I couldn't be too tearful or irritated because Little Monster is still happy and healthy. VERY happy, because I've been 1cm for 3 weeks and he doesn't seem to be making any moves towards coming out. What did that bring us to? Scheduling the induction. Yes, Mason got his eviction notice. We are being induced Saturday morning unless he decides to make his debut before then. And since I've resigned myself to the fact that he is very comfortable in his home and will need to be kicked out, August 11 looks like the big birthday. I only cried for 5 minutes and the Diet Dr. Pepper was delicious so I feel better now. There is light at the end of this hot tunnel, and I can't believe that in 5 days we will be holding him. 5 DAYS!!! We will update you of course if anything changes, and say a prayer for us as we really prepare for bringing him home!
Thank you to everyone for all the calls, emails, texts, Facebook posts, and sweet cards to let us know you're thinking of us. We can't wait to share the next blog update with you because that one for sure will have a picture of sweet baby Mason :)
Hope you enjoyed the last blog post from the family of 2,
Julie and James
Yep, that about sums it up. If you want to read more go to www.pregnantchicken.squarespace.com. She is oh so funny. So onto the news! We had a doctor's appointment this morning and I had already mentally prepared myself to get crushed. By mentally prepare I mean crank up "Call Me Maybe" on the iPod on the way to the doctor and promised myself a huge Diet Dr. Pepper from McDonalds if I did get my heart broken with no changes....and it is a good thing I did these things because it is always better to not be surprised when you get news you don't want. There was no change. 1cm dilated and my cervix is still nice and hard! My midwife knows me well though because she saved the heartbeat for last knowing that always makes me happy, and it was strong and steady so I couldn't be too tearful or irritated because Little Monster is still happy and healthy. VERY happy, because I've been 1cm for 3 weeks and he doesn't seem to be making any moves towards coming out. What did that bring us to? Scheduling the induction. Yes, Mason got his eviction notice. We are being induced Saturday morning unless he decides to make his debut before then. And since I've resigned myself to the fact that he is very comfortable in his home and will need to be kicked out, August 11 looks like the big birthday. I only cried for 5 minutes and the Diet Dr. Pepper was delicious so I feel better now. There is light at the end of this hot tunnel, and I can't believe that in 5 days we will be holding him. 5 DAYS!!! We will update you of course if anything changes, and say a prayer for us as we really prepare for bringing him home!
Thank you to everyone for all the calls, emails, texts, Facebook posts, and sweet cards to let us know you're thinking of us. We can't wait to share the next blog update with you because that one for sure will have a picture of sweet baby Mason :)
Hope you enjoyed the last blog post from the family of 2,
Julie and James