I am happy things have finally settled back into a rhythm so I can update everyone on our amazing trip home for Labor Day! We got home to Virginia last Sunday and have had the chance to spend some time as the three of us really getting accustomed to life with a baby! From the time we brought him home until we left for North Carolina was only a little over 3 weeks and it was kind of a blur! We had visitors in and out and James was working a couple of days a week until his actual paternity leave started. So this past week has been a bit more "normal." Hopefully my blog posts will be a bit more regular now that we're really settled and have grown into the Mom and Dad roles :)
North Carolina was AMAZING. We had such a wonderful time and Mason got to meet most of his family on both sides which was of course, the best! We spent Labor Day weekend in Dunn so that James could participate in the big Dove hunt this year. The past three years due to training he hasn't been able to come home and hunt, so he was so excited to get some time with his brothers.
Mason got some awesome Granddaddy and Gigi time, he finally met his Uncles Warren and Jason, Aunts Tricia and Tara, and got some cousin time in with Molly and Jackson.
Uncle James and Jackson |
And for the first time, Granddaddy and Gigi finally had all of their grandkids in one place while we celebrated Molly Carter's 2nd birthday! It was so fun to see all of them together and snap some pictures.
The one part of the trip that was probably the most special to me, was Mason getting to spend time with both of his great grandmothers. James and I only have my two grandmothers living and I was so excited for them to meet their great-grandson. Below are a few pictures of the time he got to spend with Mama and my Granny, GG (Great Granny)
Mason and GG's hand :) |
Four generations of Beasleys! |
Mama and her first great grandson! |
we have so many pictures of annie and i sleeping
on my dad's chest like this, so fun to see mason
doing the same thing! |
After we left Dunn it was off to Atlantic Beach for Mason to spend some time with Granddaddy, Aunt Annie, and Uncle Will. He had his first trip to the pool and got to see the ocean! One of the days James and I stayed in pajamas with Mason all day, made taco dip, and watched movies. It was heavenly and I think we both needed it. Mason didn't see what the big deal was, he stays in PJs all the time...
pool time with Aunt Annie! |
rough life |
dad put my toes in the water, so cold! |
i love uncle will! |
aunt annie and her monstah. |
So, those are a few pictures from our big adventure and Mason's big takeover of North Carolina. Thank you to everyone who came to see him, who loved up on him, and everyone that has been so supportive over the past 5 weeks. I can't even believe he's 5 weeks old already! We have so much to look forward to the next couple of weeks, Aunt Weez (aka Sara) is coming to spend a couple of days with us next week, Marie is coming to spend a weekend and meet Mason, and then on September 26 James and I are celebrating 3 years of marriage! My mom was here this past weekend and babysat so we could have a date night, but I'm going to wait until our anniversary to do a post about what a fantastic night we had and the surprise James had for me. So stay tuned!
In other news James is starting his new job on this ship this week, he is officially a part of the Security team. Just to refresh you, when a ship is in the yards they each have to do an Independent Assignment or IA to keep busy until the ship is up and running. Some are sent on deployments on other ships, some go to the Mess Decks (kitchen) and James got chosen to go to Security. We aren't sure of his new schedule quite yet, we know it will be three days on, two off, three on, two off etc. but we aren't sure of hours. I'm sure it will be a big adjustment as he will have to work days and nights so keep us in your thoughts as we start to make that transition. We are also working very hard on his packet to apply for Officer Candidate School so hopefully James can submit that very soon! It is a busy time at the Green house!
I am going to try and keep up the posts, and my goal is to do a weekly picture of Mason so everyone can see how much he is growing and really just to see how silly and cute he is. Last week he mastered the art of smiling and in turn mastered making me melt (like he wasn't good at that already). I'll go get him out of the bassinet after a nap or in the morning and he will give me the sweetest smile and it gets me every time. He is also starting to "talk" to us with his coos and ahhs. "Gaaaaahh" is his new noise so that is always fun to hear. AND....drum roll....after 5 continuous nights I feel safe in blogging....Mason is sleeping through the night!!! He usually does 10-5 or 9-4, but last night he actually slept from 10pm until 7am this morning. Talk about a happy Mom at 7am :) He is the greatest! Below is the picture I picked for this week. It makes me laugh out loud every time I look. This is what happens when you take too long making his bottle. :)

I hope everyone has a fantastic week, we already miss everyone in NC, come see us!!
James, Julie, and Mason