The Shortest Short Sale of All Time
I can't wait to share the details with you of our townhouse on Barkingdale Drive. I will tell you that this house was just meant to be ours. It was a short sale and was pending bank approval on another offer when I found it on (I was so disappointed, we couldn't afford these houses at non-short sale prices!) and nothing else we saw or looked at fit us or what we wanted. Then a few weeks ago it went back on the market. I tried not to get my hopes up, and when I went to look at it I really tried not to mentally move in. We were approved for what we needed by our lender, we put an offer in and the sellers accepted. Then we put our earnest money down and prepared to wait, but the bank turned the approval around in an astounding ten days. That is insane for a short sale, we were prepared to wait a couple of months! It has been a whirlwind few weeks but we couldn't be happier.

If you are free the weekend of August 8, come on up. Only people like us are crazy enough to set a closing date for the weekend of our son's second birthday. Nothing like moving and a birthday party rolled into one weekend to keep you on your toes. I told Mason I hoped he wanted a house for his birthday, because that's what he is getting!
Stay tuned as we navigate the closing process and for pictures of OUR new home. We'll keep you updated and as always - thanks for reading along and showing my blog some love. Please keep James and the Roosevelt in your prayers - she's out at sea and we're anxiously awaiting James to come home so we can celebrate with him. We're hopefully having an inspection done next week so keep your fingers crossed everything goes well!
Sending lots of love form us to you!