Papa's Fishing Buddy and Learning to Set Examples
You all had such sweet words for me about my anniversary blog and they filled my heart up and certainly made the day a little sweeter for me. I can't tell you what it means to me to hear that I wrote something beautifully, so to everyone who commented on the blog on Facebook, texted, or emailed me - thank you. And you will have to forgive me for the long blog post ahead because it turned into one of the most beautiful weekends I've had in a long time and there are many stories to tell and many pictures so share.

When I was pulling out of the driveway at my Dad's house I realized that if I took the long way to Emerald Isle through Atlantic Beach I would go right by the Ocean Club where James and I got married. I sat at the stop sign of my Dad's neighborhood and thought for a few minutes. If I went left I could avoid it (and the emotions that would probably come with it) get to the Beasley's and guaranteed laughter very quickly. If I went right, I wasn't sure my heart could handle being there without James. As I started tearing up Mason yelled "GO MOMMA!" and I looked in my rearview mirror. That blonde haired, impatient little thing was ready to start his day regardless of my emotions and I realized something. I wanted and needed him to see where our story began - even if he wouldn't remember it. I needed to be a good example of pushing through and living our life. As I stood in front of the building where we said I do, it didn't seem like five years had passed. I cried, took some pictures from James, and thanked God I had parents who gave me the salty fairy tale that rainy September day.

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My favorite picture from the game. Friday night lights. |
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3 generations of Hardisons! A selfie was needed. |
Saturday had more surprises in store for Mason. Papa was itching to get him out on the boat and take him fishing and we spent all Saturday afternoon doing just that. He got to drive the boat, he caught his first fish, we pulled up at Finz in Beaufort for lunch, he ran around the beach, snuck M&Ms
whenever possible (that's needed if you're going to completely skip your nap, how else will you stay awake for the excitement?) he saw horses at Shackleford with LaLa, and basically had the greatest day in the history of all two year olds. He wasn't quite sure what to do when he actually caught a fish. He was so excited to reel it in, but once it came over the side of the boat he was just baffled. I think we've told him fish live in water so much he didn't understand why the fish wasn't in the water anymore. He did however commence to saying "Papa Mason catch BIG fish." So he earned his bragging rights and told everyone in school yesterday. He definitely has salt water in those veins. This child is completely in his element on, in, or around the water. He loves the sand, he love splashing in the water, and he is not scared of it at all. My dad was walking out to throw the bait net and Mason was right there behind him wanting to see what he was doing and wanting to be out in the water with his Papa.
The next day after a very early bedtime, he popped up at 7:30am and said "Papa's boat?" clearly he was hooked. I have no idea where this child finds his energy but I would like to bottle it and use it on Monday mornings. Anyway, I had a surprise for him on Sunday. We picked Tricia and Molly up in Beaufort and he got to play with Molly all afternoon. Those two were hilarious. They are both so feisty and so funny, Tricia and I just sat there laughing as we watched them playing in the sand. The weather was perfect, the wind died down and it was about 75 degrees and I had forgotten how beautiful Carteret County can be on a sunny September afternoon. Reminded me why it is my favorite time of year down there and why we chose that time of year to get married! If only the weather had been that glorious on our wedding day!

It is so funny how life happens. I was dreading that weekend and it turned out to be so wonderful. On Sunday night I got in bed and as I was wishing I was with James, I was also so thankful I have such an amazing family who takes such good care of me. I was expecting to be sad and bummed out all weekend and instead I spent it laughing in the sand watching Mason get time with some of his favorite people. Military life is really hard, and as I've said before there are days when I strongly dislike it and wonder why we ever got ourselves into this. But the example we're setting for Mason is one that trumps that every time. No matter what's going on, your family is always there to make you laugh, and in the end love makes it worth it. My focus right now is that James will be home soon and then we're heading into the Virginia mountains to tour wine country, see a concert, get a massage, and be alone together for the first time in awhile. I can't wait to finally celebrate the small legacy we've built in these five years, and I can't wait for more weekends like the one I had this past weekend.
Thanks to everyone who made it so wonderful, whether you were with us, texting us, calling us, emailing us, or indulging me as I sent 300 pictures of Mason with his first fish. Special thanks to Papa and LaLa for taking such good care of us. We can't wait to come back.
To see all the pictures from our weekend and new photos from the Greens, be sure to visit our shutterfly page. and become a member to keep up with the Greens via photo.
Have a wonderful rest of the week,
Jules and Mason xoxo