Toasting Our New 2nd Class & Pirate Nation
The most accurate shirt. Ever. |
Anyway, our weekend was a full one. A glorious, rowdy, exciting, one of those weekends that sticks with you kind of weekends. It all started Thursday evening as James and I were discussing the coming weekend and how we were taking Mason to his first East Carlolina football game. I asked what kind of beer he wanted, and he replied with "Whatever you get, get an extra six pack and have at the house, advancement results come out Monday." (Advancement results are who is getting promoted or going up in rank) I stopped and turned around and said "Well, how are you feeling about it?" Pause for some background. James is is one of the HARDEST rates in the Navy to make rank or advance. Seriously, he's been a third class for 3 years. After deciding not to put his packet in for Officer Candidate School and stay in Electronics (his passion) we knew this was going
I knew then his dedication and passion for what he does was still there and that's one of the reasons I love him and being a part of this journey with him. I told him we'd get through whatever Monday held together and we'd be fine. He sighed and went about his evening. Friday morning I'm sitting at work and James texted me around 11am and said he was on his way home for the day. We texted back and forth for a bit and then I went into a lunch meeting. When I came out I had a text that said "Guess what?" I hurriedly sent back reply and went to make a cup of coffee and go to the bathroom. When I came back my heart skipped a beat when I picked up my phone. "I picked up 2nd." In four words I could see his sideways grin on the other side of the phone. I could hear his sigh of relief all the way where I was and my heart was doing somersaults. (And hallelujah for finding out early!)
I'm so proud of James. It is never about rank, it is never about status, and I don't think he realizes what an example he is setting for Mason. He's almost 33 years old, he has a college degree, work force experience, and he decided to change his life, go into the military and figure out what makes him happy - all while serving his country. It just shows it is never too late to go figure out who you want to be, or what you want to be when you grow up. Instead of trading happiness for a fatter paycheck and a salute two years ago, he decided to stay his course, stay enlisted where he knew he would be working on his equipment, and he's going back
to school next year for his engineering degree. Isn't it funny how life just kind of falls into place when you aren't paying attention? What can seem like a hard decision leads you to where you're supposed to be. I can't wait to tell Mason and any other kids who come along the great things their Dad did, even when it wasn't easy or wasn't what other people thought he should do. I am also so excited for our future when we look back at all of this. I can't wait for the day when he's an Electrical Engineer and we look back and say "Remember when you were a frustrated third class?" Such a beautiful way to show your kids what hard work does. I have loved watching James connect with friends from his electronics training as they reached out to tell him how happy they were for him. He talked to friends he hasn't spoken to in a couple of years and it just made my heart smile. When I got home from work it was definitely an occasion to pop open some bubbly and toast his hard work. Congratulations, James Howard and Bravo Zulu. Your two biggest fans really couldn't be any happier for you.
How did we celebrate? We took Mason to his very first East Carolina football game on Saturday!
James has, depending how you look at it, properly or weirdly trained Mason to be a Pirate loving football fan (aka obsessive). We were meeting Papa and LaLa in Greenville for the game and he talked about it ALL week long. He equates football games with his Papa so he was so excited to go to Pirate Nation with Papa! (And shock, Papa brought doughnut holes) Below are some pictures, he had the BEST day and hasn't stopped talking about it. I had so much fun looking down the aisle and seeing him sitting on my Dad's lap clapping his hands, yell GO PIRATES GO! and looking for PeeDee. That's the best part about being a Mom. I adore seeing everything through his eyes. I've been to who knows how many ECU football games, but that was my favorite one by far. I was also happy to get James Howard to Dowdy Ficklen for the first time since 2011 and to see a game before he deploys. I had very happy boys!
I can't believe Thanksgiving weekend is already upon us. Where did 2014 go? James has to work a couple of days over the Thanksgiving break so we are going to hang in Virginia Beach. It is just us three on Thanksgiving day, so I guess I need to make a grocery list and get a turkey!? Annie, Will and Sophie are headed our way Friday and I can't wait to get my hands on that sweet girl. Whatever your plans are for the holiday season I hope they are filled with family, fun, laughter and pie. I don't really eat pie too much throughout the year but James always laughs because I make about 4 on Thanksgiving day. As always, a big huge thank you to every single person who is reading along on this journey and supporting us. We couldn't do it without your visits, hugs, calls, texts and emails. We have the best support system in the Navy. Hooyah!
Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours
ET2 Green, Jules, Mase Face and Silly Lilly xoxo