"I am rooted, but I flow" ~ Virginia Woolf
My traditional New Year blog post is a few days late, but what's new, we'll call it fashionably late. I've been enjoying the past two weeks of vacation with James and Mason making the tours of family get togethers, being lazy on our couch and celebrating a magical Christmas. We also hesitantly welcomed in 2015. Okay, I'll admit I wasn't exactly very welcoming, but more on that later. This journey that I am walking continues to amaze me. It also teaches me, humbles me, and everyday molds me into the wife, mother, and woman I am becoming. Yes becoming. As I started the final year in my twenties (eek!) probably the biggest lesson that I learned is that I'm nowhere close to being who I am supposed to be. I'm a work in progress and don't really need to have it all figured out. Who does? I love writing this blog post every year because looking back on all that we have accomplished and been blessed with puts things into perspective for me. This year was no different. 2014 was an incredible mix of lessons, blessings and even a miracle or two.

When I look back on the past twelve months it seems to swirl with the bittersweet thought of how Mason seems to have become a little boy. To me, I feel like it happened overnight but there were so many moments that come together and click. No more baby. Early in the Spring he started swim lessons for the first time and we found out just how much he loves water. It was hard to keep him out of the pool all summer. He turned two and officially entered the world of toddlers. He doesn't toddle much, he runs everywhere he goes and has the most infectious spirit. He is still 100mph all day everyday and is only still when he sleeps. He transitioned to his big boy bed, went potty for the first time, and refuses to let anyone help him get dressed. He loves to eat, is happiest when he is outside, and gives the best hugs in the entire world. This year we have gotten to know each other, that little bug and I. He is a miniature version of me in many ways and we test each other's limits daily. He teaches me patience and I teach him love. He teaches me to see things anew through his eyes and I teach him grace. He makes me laugh and I try to make him slow down and think. I already know his tenacious spirit will make him into a strong willed man and I am so proud of that. James is sometimes not so sure, but I remind him all the time he fell in love with me. He replies that raising "me" is a different story.

For me and James it has been an incredible year of growth as individuals and as a couple. I can honestly say I feel like 2014 was a big learning year in the subject of marriage. The first four years of our marriage was kind of a whirlwind because we were moving all the time, getting accustomed to Navy life, and then welcoming Mason into our world. This past year has been one where we've really dug our heels in and formed the foundation for what we want the rest of our lives to look like. I don't
mean careers or where we live or even how many kids we have. I mean the heart and soul of us as a couple which is the cornerstone of our family. Being apart from each other has been a challenge, but we've really worked on how we handle the day to day, how we handle what seemed like the impossible and really how we're going to use this love that we are so grateful we've found in each other. Marriage is really, really hard and we have found our groove and found what truly works for us and that is probably my proudest accomplishment of 2014. James makes me always strive to be a better person. He continues to make me so incredibly proud with the sacrifices he makes for our family, and I have realized just how resilient my heart is. We both received promotions this year and are growing into our careers. And a pretty big reminder of how far we've come was purchasing our house in Virginia Beach. How nice to have a permanent address! After what feels like constant transition we have loved making the house our own and having what finally feels like home. We're a little (okay a lot) frustrated that the Navy has paused the expanding of our family, but I also know that it gives me an opportunity to cherish this time with Mason Eldridge.
It hasn't just been a great year for our threesome. We've had some incredible blessings come to our
families! Our miracle of a niece Sophie was born and Annie and Will became parents. My sister and I have always been close, but to bond as mothers has been such an amazing experience for me. She's such a great Mom and Sophie is the spitting image of her Dad. Good thing Uncle Will is kinda cute ;) We found out we have another niece on the way as Warren and Tara prepare to welcome Asa Ruth in January. We can't wait to meet her and see Jackson become a big brother! Dad and Laura got married in June and our family grew even more. Mason adores his LaLa and seeing my Dad so happy has been a highlight of 2014. We're grateful for Claudette's successful surgery in December that included the word benign which had us all breathing a sigh of relief and saying so many prayers of thanks!

And of course it isn't a recap of our year if we don't talk about the other woman in our life, the USS Roosevelt. 2014 was full of workups as she was out to sea most of the year preparing for the deployment we've been talking about. She has been passing tests, qualifying and achieving all sorts of milestones as she prepares to lead Strike Group 12. The crew has really come a long way this year. But as she achieved all this, it is bittersweet because 2015 brings that deployment that has always been on the horizen and to be honest we are scared, anxious, nervous and dreading the separation. This looming deployment had be feeling not so welcoming on New Year's Day, but time doesn't stand still does it? Thankfully my amazing counselor has been a wonderful resource for us as we prepare. Sessions together have really allowed us to talk about our fears, get advice on how to keep our strong foundation strong while we're a world apart, and strengthen our bond. (Here's my plug for another way to keep your sanity - I absolutely encourage all couples facing a big change to look into counseling. Hello military spouses, it is covered by Tricare! No reason not to!) I'm so grateful for the strong support group I have around me. I know we're going to kick ass through it. Bring it 2015!
I hope you all had a wonderful couple of weeks celebrating whatever you celebrate with your families. Auld Lang Syne says "And we'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne" so while we're taking a cup of kindnesss for days gone by, I'm wishing you one for days to come. Here's hoping 2015 is kind to all of us.
Lots of love,
James, Julie, Mason and Lilly xoxo