The Evolving Adventures of 2015
“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering 'it will be happier'...”
― Alfred Lord Tennyson
This morning as we were sitting around the breakfast table, I asked James if he could describe 2015 in one word, what would it be. He thought for a minute, then said "adventurous." Then there was a pause and he said "never ending." I can't say I disagree with either of those. My word (I think) would be evolving. It's been such a strange year for me! I was a bit nervous to sit down and write my annual recap of the year because there are so, so many emotions wrapped up in 2015. There was joy, heartbreak, lots of laughter, loneliness, yes adventure, and evolution. Evolution you ask? Yes, there was lots of change that happened within our little family this year and more specifically within me. Lots of slow, gradual change that you can't necessarily feel is happening, and then bam! There it is.
Pretty amazing, right? But, the highlight of deployment was the day we got him back! It was by far one of the greatest days of my life, definitely up there with our wedding day and the day Mason was born. It was magic. To see a video of all the pictures and James coming off the plane, you can click here. As usual, Vinluan Photography did an amazing job capturing a moment I want to relive whenever I want, and can with these gorgeous photos. It is weird to say that I am sad the Roosevelt has been moved to San Diego and I won't see her anymore. She's been the source of many heartaches, tears, but also some of my proudest moments. James has received orders for his Shore Duty here in Norfolk. He'll be a normal person with a normal job who is home for dinner and can take vacations whenever he wants to. I won't know what to do with myself. He will be in Mississippi for training until May for this job, so we're rounding the corner and sprinting towards the finish line when it comes to James being home for good! I know I say it all the time but I'm so grateful for all of your continued support. It's the greatest support system in the Navy.

My year personally was pretty incredible when I stop and take a look back! I celebrated three years of being on the Mosquito Joe marketing team and am so thankful I found this job and the people I work with. My girlfriends swept me off to NYC to celebrate my 30th birthday (eek!) in March and it was just what this soul needed. Anna Quindlen said it best the other day, "Female friendship is centrifugal force: the world spins fast, and they keep you from flying off into cold dark deep space." Thanks to my favorite girls for keeping me safe and sane basically...always. Our house has been a fun project for me this year, too. This is our first house that I've actually been able to have fun with in terms of decorating and I love it more everyday. I got a tattoo, only had one trip to the Emergency Room this year, and successfully kept Mason alive, so I'd say 2015 was on point for me.

So, here we are on the eve of a new year, again. While I'm glad this one is over in many ways, I'm also glad it happened. It taught me so much about myself, my marriage, being a mom and embracing that ever evolving thing called change. I've never loved James Howard more, we have an incredible son, amazing families and I know 2016 is going to be just fantastic. I'm heading upstairs to take a shower now because we're eagerly waiting for Granny, Cotton, Aunt Annie, Uncle Will and Sophie - I can't think of a better way to ring in the new year.
Wherever the year takes you I hope it is full of kindness, love, laughter and maybe some wine too. Oh wait, is that just my wish? ;)
Happy New Year from the Greens!