Summer love, Hermit Crabs & Soccer

The biggest event happened a couple of weeks ago and we couldn't be more proud. Mason Eldridge started Pre-K at his new school, the Montessori Academy of VA and he NAILED it. I will admit I was VERY nervous about transitioning to a new school and a new teacher all at one time after the crazy year Mason has had, but once again, my sweet boy proved his resiliency far exceeds mine. He's had such a big year and dealt with Dad leaving, coming home and then leaving again like a trooper. He's been such an example to me of grace and I'm so proud of the little boy he's coming.
He loves his new teacher Ms. Sarah, they got class pets last week so he was proud to introduce me to Superhero and Charlotte the hermit crabs, they have chickens on the playground the kids are responsible for taking care of, and his favorite so far are the maps in his classroom. He's planted vegetables in the indoor garden, looked at books in their library and loves eating lunch in the lunch room like a big boy. And I am also adjusting to making breakfast every morning and packing lunch, but so far no disasters!
The new school year also brought the fall soccer season and Mason started playing for the Rush club here in Virginia Beach. James is his coach and that means I have two happy boys! They had their first game this past weekend and Mason scored a goal! I am now officially a soccer Mom (and wife).
We're taking this Fall a little bit slower and taking some much needed deep breaths. It's nice to spend some time hanging around the house and enjoying the last little bits of summer. September is one of my favorite times of year. Next week James and I will celebrate SEVEN years of marriage (holy!) so we're excited about celebrating, we have lots more soccer ahead of us and maybe even a move! Yes, we love chaos so we put our house on the market to see what happens so we can possibly get into a house with a yard. Ever since James came home from deployment he has this weird man-need for land. My description, not his. But, everyone say a prayer because I have to make the beds every morning before work and have the house ready to show by the time we leave in the morning so basically I'm slowly going insane.
Hope you all have a fantastic close to the summer, and godspeed avoiding all the pumpkin spice until October 1.
Lots of love,
The Greens