Homeless with a Sweet Camera
We are now officially homeless! :) The house closed yesterday and everything went very smoothly! It feels very weird to leave work and not head towards the house, and it certainly feels weird that I'm not writing a mortgage check today to mail (that part in no way makes me sad...) We're settled in Dunn at the Green Plantation until James leaves for training, and it has been so nice. Lilly of course loves the space and the back yard so she can run around and chase birds until her little heart is content. It is even nicer to come home from work and sit in the back yard with Randy and Claudy and just chat in the evenings. I am even much better than I thought I would be at waking up at 5:50am to accomodate my new commute.
James leaves in 41 days! My last day of full time work with Apple Gold is June 18...I know it is going to sneak up on me. They've asked me to work from home a few hours each week to keep the Flapjack Fundraiser program running smoothly the three weeks that I have taken off to have some time with James before I start back part time. I'm happy to do that! The program is doing so well and I'm so proud to be the coordinator. We've raised $402,000 since January 1 for local non-profits in the areas we operate in. To put that into perspective, we donated $415,000 TOTAL as a company in 2009. I couldn't be more excited! Our goal as a company is to donate $1 million in 2010, and I'm so excited to be such a big part of that.
James leaves in 41 days! My last day of full time work with Apple Gold is June 18...I know it is going to sneak up on me. They've asked me to work from home a few hours each week to keep the Flapjack Fundraiser program running smoothly the three weeks that I have taken off to have some time with James before I start back part time. I'm happy to do that! The program is doing so well and I'm so proud to be the coordinator. We've raised $402,000 since January 1 for local non-profits in the areas we operate in. To put that into perspective, we donated $415,000 TOTAL as a company in 2009. I couldn't be more excited! Our goal as a company is to donate $1 million in 2010, and I'm so excited to be such a big part of that.
In other news, I FINALLY got my new camera yesterday. My sweet husband met me for lunch yesterday and off to Best Buy we went. After many months of research we decided on the Nikon D3000. I played around with it all evening and below are some pictures I took. I can't wait to take it to the beach this weekend and get some good pictures with the family. It will also come in handy when I have that sweet Molly girl to love up on and when James Howard marches into his Pass In Review graduation for basic training ;)