Oh the Joys of Moving...
These days keep flying by, I wish I could slow them down! We close on the house one week from tomorrow. As endearing as sleeping on a mattress on your bedroom floor with your TV propped up against the wall is...I think we're ready to hand the keys over!
James and I have had the pleasure of going through our entire childhoods (crap seemed to come from everywhere) and deciding what to keep and what to part ways with. I can still hear James..."Julie. Go through that box of your HIGH SCHOOL MEMORIES by the door..." Or the afternoon my sister called only to find me in tears because James told me there was no way that all this "shit" was coming with us to Chicago. (Mom. Stop laughing.) Ok, maybe I do tend to hold onto things a bit too long. But, we also found out that James Green cannot be left to his own devices to pack and load up our storage unit which is so beautifully parked out in front of our house. I had him pull some boxes down for me the other night - and what?! Our wedding china is not bubble wrapped?? It is in Belk boxes in storage tubs?? Silly husband. He just stood there at the edge of the POD going, "What?" Wouldn't you have liked to have been there when I pulled up to unpack and my wedding china was broken?

Until next time...
James and I have had the pleasure of going through our entire childhoods (crap seemed to come from everywhere) and deciding what to keep and what to part ways with. I can still hear James..."Julie. Go through that box of your HIGH SCHOOL MEMORIES by the door..." Or the afternoon my sister called only to find me in tears because James told me there was no way that all this "shit" was coming with us to Chicago. (Mom. Stop laughing.) Ok, maybe I do tend to hold onto things a bit too long. But, we also found out that James Green cannot be left to his own devices to pack and load up our storage unit which is so beautifully parked out in front of our house. I had him pull some boxes down for me the other night - and what?! Our wedding china is not bubble wrapped?? It is in Belk boxes in storage tubs?? Silly husband. He just stood there at the edge of the POD going, "What?" Wouldn't you have liked to have been there when I pulled up to unpack and my wedding china was broken?
But in all seriousness...the house is slowly becoming empty. The past few weeks have definitely made this all seem more real. We are both so excited about everything that our future has in store for us, but since this is a perspective from start to finish on the Navy life...even before it has begun I know it won't always be "pretty"...I've also gotten a bit more nervous. Neither of us is terribly excited about being seperated for who knows how long (who would be?), and sometimes the unknown can cause a tad bit of anxiety. Mainly - where the heck are we going to live?? I did find a website called NavyForMoms.com and there is a forumn for wives of his job and I've already started chatting with a few ladies who are already in Great Lakes. They have the inside information and the best advice. I already can't wait to meet some of them when I get settled in Illinois with James. HOPEFULLY by October. The Navy community is so welcoming and so helpful to us newbies. I did break down and I watched a video yesterday on everything James is going to be doing while he is in training - not as scary as I thought it was going to be! :)
We did get a few days to slow down and head to Topsail Island for the Green 2010 Family Vacation and I read two books in three days and it was AWESOME. It was so nice after a hectic work schedule the past couple of months to lie on the beach. Below are a couple of pictures. Tricia's belly is getting so big! I'm already so anxious to meet Miss Molly. I felt her kick for the first time while we were at the beach and it was just unbelievable. You look at pictures from the ultrasounds, but it is nothing like feeling her little foot give me a good whack :)

I will try to update this more as we get closer and closer to July 8. We're so busy between now and then!! Keep your fingers crossed for a smooth closing on May 27. After that we'll be in the big city of Dunn, NC for a few weeks - I'm excited to be near some of my most favorite people. I'm already looking forward to walks with Aunt Sue and Jen, and popping over to Granny B's for dinner. Speaking 0f - Happy 80th Birthday to my Granny. I can only hope that when I turn 80 I have all the wonderful memories to look back on that she has of our family. She is so precious to me. To be a Beasley or to be loved by a Beasley is a special thing!
Until next time...