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The Arrival of James Walker Green

Walker's story, as I wrote the week he was born... It was a Monday morning and we were eight days passed my due date sitting in the doctor's office. She had given us the weekend to see if you would make your appearance and you made no signs of showing you were ready, so she gave me a sad smile as we scheduled your induction. I was 41 weeks pregnant and barely even 1cm. She knew that wasn't easy for me because your big brother was induced and I can't use the word "fun" or "easy" to describe that (24 hour) experience. She had given me as much time as she could though, there were signs your home in my belly was ready for you to make your way into our world. I was to check into the hospital on Wednesday, June 14 at 8pm and start the long process. I thought of the irony of the date because June 14 is Flag Day, EB's favorite day. You hadn't arrived on his birthday, and it didn't look like you'd be my Flag Day baby either. Your dad gave...

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